
Add or edit scheduled tasks

Debugging & Logging > Scheduled Tasks

Add or edit scheduled tasks

  1. On the Schedule Tasks page, do one of the following

  1. On the Add/Edit Scheduled Task page, specify or modify the following information:




Task Name

Enter a name for the task in the Task Name text box.




Enter the start and end dates for the task.

The end date is optional. If you want this task to execute continuously, leave the End Date text box blank.

Start date: present date

End date: blank



Select the schedule for running this task:

  • One-time  Schedules the task to run once on the start date and scheduled time specified. Specify the date and time. The task must be set at least 15 minutes in the future in order for the task to execute successfully.

  • Recurring  Schedules the task to run daily, weekly, or monthly at the specified time.

  • Daily every  Schedules the task to repeat during a day. Specify Start Time and End Time to designate when the task begins and ends. Specify Hours, Minutes, Seconds to set an interval after which the task repeats.

Recurring: daily at




Enter the URL for the ColdFusion page that you want to execute. You can execute a local page or a page on a remote ColdFusion Server, assuming that you have the proper access rights.


User Name

(Optional) Specify a user name only if the page you want to execute is in a secure location.




(Optional) Specify a password only if the page you want to execute is in a secure location.


Timeout (sec)

(Optional) Specify a timeout setting. This helps prevent requests from stalling due to an overloaded web server, a network problem, or a page that takes too long to execute.


Proxy Server:Port

(Optional) If this request must be routed through a proxy server, enter the URL and Port number of that proxy server.


Publish; File

(Optional) To publish an output file of this task:

  1. Select the Save Output to a File option.

  2. In the File text box, enter the full path and filename of the output file.


Resolve URL

(Optional) Select the Resolve URL option to replace any relative URLs used in links returned in the result page to absolute URLs.



  1. Click Submit to save and apply changes.


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