
Start and stop ColdFusion

Note: This discussion does not apply when deploying ColdFusion on a J2EE server.


During installation, you typically start ColdFusion services and processes, and configure them to start and run whenever you start your system. After you perform any of the following actions in the ColdFusion Administrator, stop and restart ColdFusion services:


During setup, ColdFusion is installed as a set of system services, which typically start automatically at system startup.

Stop or start ColdFusion server services manually

  1. Open the Services control panel window.
    If a service is running, its status is Started. If it is not running, no status appears.

  2. To stop a service, select it and click Stop.
    A prompt asks you to verify that you want to stop the service; click Yes.
    The status of the service is no longer Started.

  3. To start a service, select it and click Start. Its status is Started.

  4. To restart a service: select it and click Restart. This is identical to stopping and starting a service.

  5. Click Close. The Services window closes.

Configure ColdFusion server to start automatically or manually

  1. In the Services control panel window, double-click a service. The window for the service opens.

  2. For Startup Type, select Automatic or Manual.

  3. Click OK. The configuration is saved.

  4. Click Close. The Services window closes.


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