* @class Ext.form.FormPanel
* @extends Ext.Panel
*Standard form container.
*By default, FormPanel is configured with layout:'form' to use an {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout}
* layout manager, which styles and renders fields and labels correctly. When nesting additional Containers
* within a FormPanel, you should ensure that any descendant Containers which host input Fields use the
* {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout} layout manager.
*Although not listed as configuration options of FormPanel, the FormPanel class accepts all
* of the config options required to configure its internal {@link Ext.form.BasicForm} for:
*- {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#fileUpload file uploads}
*- functionality for {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#doAction loading, validating and submitting} the form
*Note: If subclassing FormPanel, any configuration options for the BasicForm must be applied to
* the initialConfig property of the FormPanel. Applying {@link Ext.form.BasicForm BasicForm}
* configuration settings to this will not affect the BasicForm's configuration.
*Form Validation
*For information on form validation see the following:
*- {@link Ext.form.TextField}
*- {@link Ext.form.VTypes}
*- {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#doAction BasicForm.doAction clientValidation notes}
*- {@link Ext.form.FormPanel#monitorValid monitorValid}
*Form Submission
*By default, Ext Forms are submitted through Ajax, using {@link Ext.form.Action}. To enable normal browser
* submission of the {@link Ext.form.BasicForm BasicForm} contained in this FormPanel, see the
* {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#standardSubmit standardSubmit} option.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @xtype form
Ext.FormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} formId (optional) The id of the FORM tag (defaults to an auto-generated id).
* @cfg {Boolean} hideLabels
*true to hide field labels by default (sets display:none). Defaults to
* false.
*Also see {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#hideLabel hideLabel}.
* @cfg {Number} labelPad
* The default padding in pixels for field labels (defaults to 5). labelPad only
* applies if {@link #labelWidth} is also specified, otherwise it will be ignored.
* @cfg {String} labelSeparator
* See {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#labelSeparator labelSeparator}
* @cfg {Number} labelWidth The width of labels in pixels. This property cascades to child containers
* and can be overridden on any child container (e.g., a fieldset can specify a different labelWidth
* for its fields) (defaults to 100).
* @cfg {String} itemCls A css class to apply to the x-form-item of fields. This property cascades to child containers.
* @cfg {Array} buttons
* An array of {@link Ext.Button}s or {@link Ext.Button} configs used to add buttons to the footer of this FormPanel.
*Buttons in the footer of a FormPanel may be configured with the option formBind: true. This causes
* the form's {@link #monitorValid valid state monitor task} to enable/disable those Buttons depending on
* the form's valid/invalid state.
* @cfg {Number} minButtonWidth Minimum width of all buttons in pixels (defaults to 75).
minButtonWidth : 75,
* @cfg {String} labelAlign The label alignment value used for the text-align specification
* for the container. Valid values are "left", "top" or "right"
* (defaults to "left"). This property cascades to child containers and can be
* overridden on any child container (e.g., a fieldset can specify a different labelAlign
* for its fields).
labelAlign : 'left',
* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the {@link #clientvalidation} event passing that state.
*When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* {@link #buttons} which have been configured withformBind: true
* on whether the {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#isValid form is valid} or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid : false,
* @cfg {Number} monitorPoll The milliseconds to poll valid state, ignored if monitorValid is not true (defaults to 200)
monitorPoll : 200,
* @cfg {String} layout Defaults to 'form'. Normally this configuration property should not be altered.
* For additional details see {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout} and {@link Ext.Container#layout Ext.Container.layout}.
layout : 'form',
// private
initComponent : function(){
this.form = this.createForm();
this.bodyCfg = {
tag: 'form',
cls: this.baseCls + '-body',
method : this.method || 'POST',
id : this.formId || Ext.id()
if(this.fileUpload) {
this.bodyCfg.enctype = 'multipart/form-data';
* @event clientvalidation
* If the monitorValid config option is true, this event fires repetitively to notify of valid state
* @param {Ext.form.FormPanel} this
* @param {Boolean} valid true if the form has passed client-side validation
this.relayEvents(this.form, ['beforeaction', 'actionfailed', 'actioncomplete']);
// private
createForm : function(){
var config = Ext.applyIf({listeners: {}}, this.initialConfig);
return new Ext.form.BasicForm(null, config);
// private
initFields : function(){
var f = this.form;
var formPanel = this;
var fn = function(c){
Ext.applyIf(c, {
labelAlign: c.ownerCt.labelAlign,
labelWidth: c.ownerCt.labelWidth,
itemCls: c.ownerCt.itemCls
}else if(c.doLayout && c != formPanel){
Ext.applyIf(c, {
labelAlign: c.ownerCt.labelAlign,
labelWidth: c.ownerCt.labelWidth,
itemCls: c.ownerCt.itemCls
//each check required for check/radio groups.
if(c.items && c.items.each){
c.items.each(fn, this);
this.items.each(fn, this);
// private
getLayoutTarget : function(){
return this.form.el;
* Provides access to the {@link Ext.form.BasicForm Form} which this Panel contains.
* @return {Ext.form.BasicForm} The {@link Ext.form.BasicForm Form} which this Panel contains.
getForm : function(){
return this.form;
// private
onRender : function(ct, position){
Ext.FormPanel.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position);
// private
beforeDestroy : function(){
* Clear the items here to prevent them being destroyed again.
* Don't move this behaviour to BasicForm because it can be used
* on it's own.
// Determine if a Component is usable as a form Field.
isField : function(c) {
return !!c.setValue && !!c.getValue && !!c.markInvalid && !!c.clearInvalid;
// private
initEvents : function(){
this.on('remove', this.onRemove, this);
this.on('add', this.onAdd, this);
if(this.monitorValid){ // initialize after render
// private
onAdd : function(ct, c) {
// If a single form Field, add it
if (this.isField(c)) {
// If a Container, add any Fields it might contain
} else if (c.findBy) {
Ext.applyIf(c, {
labelAlign: c.ownerCt.labelAlign,
labelWidth: c.ownerCt.labelWidth,
itemCls: c.ownerCt.itemCls
this.form.add.apply(this.form, c.findBy(this.isField));
// private
onRemove : function(ct, c) {
// If a single form Field, remove it
if (this.isField(c)) {
// If a Container, remove any Fields it might contain
} else if (c.findByType) {
Ext.each(c.findBy(this.isField), this.form.remove, this.form);
* Starts monitoring of the valid state of this form. Usually this is done by passing the config
* option "monitorValid"
startMonitoring : function(){
this.validTask = new Ext.util.TaskRunner();
run : this.bindHandler,
interval : this.monitorPoll || 200,
scope: this
* Stops monitoring of the valid state of this form
stopMonitoring : function(){
this.validTask = null;
* This is a proxy for the underlying BasicForm's {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#load} call.
* @param {Object} options The options to pass to the action (see {@link Ext.form.BasicForm#doAction} for details)
load : function(){
this.form.load.apply(this.form, arguments);
// private
onDisable : function(){
// private
onEnable : function(){
// private
bindHandler : function(){
var valid = true;
valid = false;
return false;
var fitems = this.fbar.items.items;
for(var i = 0, len = fitems.length; i < len; i++){
var btn = fitems[i];
if(btn.formBind === true && btn.disabled === valid){
this.fireEvent('clientvalidation', this, valid);
Ext.reg('form', Ext.FormPanel);
Ext.form.FormPanel = Ext.FormPanel;