Why is Security Important

Set ColdFusion Administrator authentication type

Security > Administrator

To restrict access to the ColdFusion Administrator, check either the Use A Single Password Only option or the Separate Username And Password Authentication option.

You can then specify either one password to allow access to the ColdFusion Administrator, or create user profiles in which each user has a different password. To limit access by user, you define users in the User Manager and select the Separate Username And Password Authentication option.

Set the ColdFusion Administrator password

  1. Select either the Use A Single Password Only option or the Separate Username And Password Authentication option.

  2. In the New Password text box, enter a password. The minimum character limit is 5 and the maximum character limit is 50.

  3. In the Confirm Password text box, confirm your new password.

  4. Click Submit Changes to save the password.

Specify one password for ColdFusion Administrator access

  1. Select the Use a single password only option.

  2. Click Submit Changes.

Require that each user use a separate ColdFusion Administrator password

  1. Select the Separate user name and password authentication option.

  2. Click Submit Changes.

Related topics

·        Set RDS password

·        Configure ColdFusion  security

·        User Manager